The men continue to storm the legendary waterway and try to get to the other side.

Border guards reported about captured Ukrainians who, risking their lives, climbed into a cold river.
Quadcopter Prey
In Transcarpathia, border guards of the Mukachevo detachment with the help of a quadcopter detected an attempt to illegally cross the border. Two Transcarpathians planned to swim across the Tisza River to neighboring Romania. The illegal intentions of the men were exposed by the border patrol of the Solotvyno department.
The River Is a Way to Escape
Four more men were detained by border guards of the "Vylok" department. Two residents of the Zaporizhia region, a resident of Donetsk and a Lviv resident, were going to overcome a life-threatening water obstacle on the way to Hungary. The men paid from 7 to 12 thousand dollars to the smugglers.
With regard to the detainees, protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up, provided for in Art. 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Illegal crossing or attempt to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine", the case was sent to court.
The circle of persons involved in the organization of the illegal transportation of men is currently being established.
Read also: Truck with an unpleasant "surprise": a 42-year-old Pole "got stuck" in Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
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