Passers-by passed by and no one stopped to help the girl.

Polish journalists gained access to videos at the disposal of the owners of the house and saw how during the brutal rape people passed by and did not react.
A girl was brutally raped in the center of Warsaw, and passers-by who saw the crime did not react in any way. This was reported by the Polish edition of
It is noted that the incident occurred on February 25. Journalists claim that the victim of the attacker was a young Ukrainian woman, about 20 years old. She was returning to her apartment in the morning, and a suspicious man began to chase her.
"He must have followed her before, because the cameras show that he followed her for a long time," the publication says.
At the entrance, the attacker pulled out a knife, grabbed the girl and dragged her to the entrance gate, and then began to strangle and tear off the girl's clothes. All this lasted for several minutes, after which the man dragged the girl into a nearby building, where he raped her.
The criminal left the raped girl on the stairs in front of the gate and left, and scattered her belongings on the street.
Polish journalists gained access to videos at the disposal of the owners of the house and saw how during the brutal rape people passed by and did not react.
In the end, only the security guard, who was on his way to work for the morning shift, responded. He found the girl naked on the stairs and called the police and an ambulance.
The girl was taken to the hospital in serious condition, and the male suspect was detained a few hours after the crime.
The rapist reportedly faces life in prison.
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