The tragedy happened in the capital of Slovakia in the city of Bratislava.

The victim of strangulation was a 27-year-old Transcarpathian woman from a village in Khust district.
As it became known to the Voice of the Carpathians from the words of an acquaintance of the woman, the events described below began on the date of the young family's departure abroad, a year ago, but the investigation into this case is still ongoing.
She fled the war and died in a foreign land
Viktoria Svistak from the village of Lysychovo, Khust district, met her death in the capital of Slovakia. The woman and her husband went abroad in search of work and personal happiness. But, unfortunately, instead of the cherished happiness, the woman became a victim of a "strangler".
Details of the spooky story
February 24 When the young family arrived in Bratislava , the man could not find a job that would allow him to provide rent and food, he sat at home and worked part-time jobs. Because of this state of affairs, the woman took the initiative to earn money into her own hands. The Transcarpathian met the owner of one of the shopping and entertainment centers, namely a children's clothing and shoe store. Victoria rented a store and started working. Because of this initiative of the woman, disputes and quarrels began in the young family. According to an acquaintance, this led to the tragedy.
Law enforcement agencies are still investigating
Victoria Svistak was born on January 27, 1997 in a village in Transcarpathia. Zakarpattia was found strangled in a rented apartment on May 23, 2023. According to the conclusions of the Slovak police, the cause of death of the Transcarpathian woman was strangulation. Almost a year has passed since Victoria's death, but, unfortunately, the conclusions of criminologists and experts have not yielded anything so far. The investigation into this case is still ongoing.
Relatives still do not have clear answers to the question of why they dealt with Victoria so cruelly and are looking forward to the end of the investigation and its results.
Read also: Ukrainian woman will stand trial in Germany: what did the woman do?
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