The driver was carrying undeclared goods worth a considerable amount across the border, because of which he will now pay a tidy amount of fine.
"Transfer" for 300 thousand hryvnias
A 27-year-old resident of Volyn drove a VOLVO truck to the Dyakove-Halmeu checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Romanian border into the customs control zone. Having chosen the "red corridor" lane, the driver was waiting for the verification of shipping documents, because the electronic declarations for the goods that he moved across the border were submitted in advance. The man told the customs officers that he was transporting only personal belongings in the cabin and was not transporting any goods subject to mandatory declaration and taxation.
What did the customs officers find?
However, in the course of customs control in the cab of the car, on the upper sleeping seat of the driver, officials of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Violations of Customs Rules found undeclared goods of foreign production. As it turned out, at the request of the head of the carrier company, a citizen of Ukraine tried to move 35 LED power supplies of the Bulgarian trademark "OSRAM" across the customs border, and 5 pieces of boards for V-VOX V8.1.2.
The driver did not hide the goods, access to it became possible for customs inspectors during customs control and inspection of the vehicle. The total cost of illegally transported goods on the Internet is almost UAH 300 thousand. The exact amount will be set by an expert.
On this fact, an administrative protocol was drawn up for violation of customs rules provided for in part 2 of Article 471 of the Customs Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of 30 percent of the value of these goods.
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