Starting tomorrow, the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint will block the movement of trucks in both directions.
An important warning for Ukrainian drivers of heavy vehicles who make international flights was voiced by the State Customs Service.
The service notes that according to preliminary information from the Polish side, due to the strike of local farmers at the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint, the movement of trucks in both directions will be blocked.
"On Sunday, February 18, a complete blockade of traffic for trucks in both directions is expected. To do this, farmers from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France, who intend to take part in a large-scale protest, are heading to the Polish-Ukrainian border," the statement reads.
Customs officers urge drivers to take into account the information provided to them and take it into account when planning a trip abroad.
"As of today, the queue to enter the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint is 550 trucks, 820 vehicles are waiting in the electronic queue to leave," the customs officers add.
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